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Calibration And Maintenance

Are you interested in calibrating or repairing your measuring instruments in our calibration laboratory?

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Master Equipment

Are you looking for Master Instruments for your own Laboratory?

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On-Site Calibration

Do you wish to witness Calibration being done in your present?

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Education on Measurement

What is the difference between Calibration, Verification and Adjustment?

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Calibration Laboratory For Pressure

For Measuring Pressure in our Calibration Laboratory, we can calibrate measuring Instruments in the range from -1 bar … +2600bar with an accuracies of 0.003 % … 1 % of reading, depending on the Pressure Device (UUT). we have Master Devices that can measure very low pressure at a high accuracy with good resolution and high accuracy device such as Dead Weight tester and special pressure controllers for high pressure measurement.we have separate master instrument to calibrate pneumatic and hydraulic pressure instrument that we can use onsite (plant, warehouse) and stationary master instrument (pneumatic and hydraulic) for our Laboratory only.

Calibration Laboratory For Pressure
Calibration Laboratory For Temperature

Calibration Laboratory For Temperature

For Measuring Temperature in Our Calibration Laboratory, we Calibrate Measuring Instruments in the range from -328 °C … +1,200 °C with accuracies of ±0.3°C to 1°C, depending on the Environmental Condition and Procedure. Our Calibration Laboratory is Equipped with Temperature Bath, dry block, different Standard Resistance Thermometers, Thermocouples, Thermo-Humidity Chamber, Temperature fixed reference points and different Temperature Master Instrument to Supply Temperature to Instrument on site (plant) without uninstalling or removal of these instruments .

Calibration Laboratory For Electrical Instruments

For Measuring Electrical Instrument in our Calibration Laboratory, we Calibrate Measuring Instrument in the range of

• AC Voltage from 1 mV - ±1020 V, Output from 10 Hz to 500 kHz.

• AC Current from 0.01 µA - ±11.0 A, Output from 10 Hz - 10 kHz.

• DC Current from 0 - ±11.0 A. DC Voltage from 0 to ±1020v & 40Kv

• Resistance Values from a short circuit to ±330 MΩ.

• Capacitance Values from 330 pF to 1100 µF.

we have Fluke 5500A, Dual Display Multimer, Several Multimeters, Sourcing Meter for mA (good for plant), Sound Chamber, Wind Tunnel.

Calibration Laboratory For Electrical Instruments
Calibration Laboratory For Weights

Calibration Laboratory For Weights

For Measuring Weights in Our Calibration Laboratory, we Calibrate Measuring Instrument in the range from 1mg to 1000kg with an accuracy of ±0.0005%.....±0.016% we have set of class f1 weights and m2 weights. We also have a high precision weighing balance to check the accuracy of your various weights.

Calibration Laboratory For Dimension

For Measuring Dimension (Length) in Our Calibration Laboratory, we have different set of length block to give the actual output of the Measuring Equipment with a reference Standard Value.

Calibration Laboratory For Dimension
Calibration Laboratory For Force

Calibration Laboratory For Force

For Measuring Force in Our Calibration Laboratory, we use Our Static Torque Meter to Calibrate Measuring Instrument from the range of 0Nm ..2000Nm with an accuracy of +/-1%.

Calibration Laboratory For Analyser

For Measuring Analyser in Our Calibration Laboratory, we have available different prepared Standard Solution and Master Meter to Calibrate Measuring Instrument from various ranges and various outputs depending on the desire of the Manufacturer, process Plant or Consumer.

Calibration Laboratory For Analyser
Calibration Laboratory For Level

Calibration Laboratory For Level

For Measuring Level Instruments in Our Calibration Laboratory, we have available different High-Accuracy References (Masters) to measure different ranges of level Indicators, Level Transmitter and Level Switches.

Servtech Weights And Measurements Laboratory is a specialized firm which was established in 1991 and it's involved in Industrial Instrumentation Activities (Products and Services) such as Pressure, Temperature, Weights, Electrical, Environmental, Flow, Force, Dimension, Gas, Liquid Analysis and Level.


Servtech Weights And Measurements Laboratory is a specialized firm which was established in 1991 and it's involved in Industrial Instrumentation Activities (Products and Services) such as Pressure, Temperature, Weights, Electrical, Environmental, Flow, Force, Dimension, Gas, Liquid Analysis and Level.


247-106 Al Qusais Industrial Area 4,  Dubai, UAE.



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